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School-Based Mental Health Clinicians Community of Practice
Monday, March 11, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Category: WAFCA Interest Groups

School-Based Mental Health Clinicians Community of Practice
Interested in signing up? Complete this interest form!
About the Community of Practice: Launching in 2022, the School-Based Mental Health Clinicians Community of Practice gathers monthly online during the school year, creating opportunities for school-based or school-connected clinicians, counselors, and therapists to connect on best practices with the expert guidance of an experienced clinician, provide and receive support through challenges, and share resources. 
  • What are School-Based Clinicians? This refers to mental health therapists (and those in training) who work within a school setting or as a community provider with a contract or MOU with a school or district. School-Based Clinicians provide direct therapeutic services to individual students or selected groups. In some schools, this position may also carry other responsibilities as determined by the districts’ needs!

Once your interest form submission has been received, you will receive a calendar invitation with a Zoom link via email. You will also be invited to join Slack, which is a messaging platform we can use to stay connected & network between meetings!

This group meets virtually during the school year on the second Monday of each month from 3-4pm CST.