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Change Starts with You(th): Supporting Teen and Adolescent Mental Health
Presented by Mary Kate Rowland of NAMI-Wisconsin
Details: July 18, 2024 (9:00am - 4:30pm, including a 90-minute lunch break)
*lunch is not provided
**Up to 6 CE credits will be issued to those attending this LIVE, IN-PERSON event. See below for details.
Workshop Description: In the most recent data on Wisconsin high school students, 22% reported self-harm, 25% of females seriously considered attempting suicide, 34% felt sad or hopeless nearly every day, and 52% reported anxiety. These statistics illustrate the importance of focusing on teen and adolescent mental health. You will leave this workshop with valuable and tangible resources to support the teens and adolescents in your life. Participants will learn about NAMI and the free resources available to them. We will cover an overview of mental illness, discussing what mental illness is, the difference between mental health and mental illness, the impact stigma has on teens, and review common mental illness and the age of onset. Along with this, participants will also have the opportunity to participate in an auditory hallucination simulation and understand first hand what auditory hallucinations feel like. Participants will also learn active listening and de-escalation strategies with a chance to practice these skills. This workshop will be engaging, educational, and will provide all participants with a better understanding of how they can support the teens and adolescents in their lives.
Presenter Information: Mary Kate Rowland is the Youth Program Coordinator at NAMI Wisconsin and is involved in coordinating and supporting NAMI Wisconsin Affiliates in all youth programming, including Let’s Talk about Mental Illness, Mental Health Chat, NAMI Ending the Silence, Raise Your Voice, and NAMI OnCampus. Prior to being the Youth Program Coordinator, Mary Kate earned her B.A.Ed. in Special Education at the University of Mississippi and taught special education for 5 years. She taught at both the middle and high school level and has extensive experience working with young people. Her passion lies in ensuring young people have access to the supports they need to be happy, healthy, and successful individuals.
Cost: In partnership with the Coalition for Expanding School-Based Mental Health, this event will be available FREE of charge for all attendees.
Summer Celebration of School Mental Health: Join the Coalition for Expanding School-Based Mental Health in Wisconsin for a FREE event on Wednesday, July 17th, 10:00am - 3:00pm at Chula Vista. We will begin with an active, re-energizing plenary session on Compassion Resilience, enjoy a picnic lunch and networking with colleagues, followed by breakout discussions to delve into shared learning with professionals from across the state who are growing and sustaining comprehensive school mental health initiatives. A link to RSVP will be included in your confirmation for the Thursday event.
Room Block at Chula Vista Resort: call 608-254-8366 to make a reservation. Refer to booking ID #K22834 WI Assn of Family & Children's Agencies. Room rate: $169. Deadline to book: 6/30/24.
In-person Event Attendance: Registrants experiencing any cold, flu, or COVID-like symptoms should not attend the event. Refunds will be made available to those who cancel at least 1 week prior OR for reasons of illness (with notification provided to WAFCA). Registrants are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated for their own safety.
About our Offerings: WAFCA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6778. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. WAFCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Visit the WAFCA-CE registration page for more information on fees and policies.