Webinar - Understanding Early Childhood Trauma Through a Developmental and Relational Lens
Thursday, September 12, 2024, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM CST
Category: WAFCA CE Training
Registration for this event has closed.
Understanding Early Childhood Trauma Through a Developmental and Relational Lens Presented by Jesse Bernal, LMFT
Details: September 12, 2024 (10am - 2:30pm CT, including a 30-minute lunch break) *Up to 4 CE credits will be issued to those attending this virtual opportunity.
Description: This training takes the attendee in-depth into understanding the impact of trauma through a developmental and relational lens. Participants will learn in detail both the short and long effects trauma exposure has on the developing brain and body of a child, thus impacting overall developmental trajectories, social/emotional growth, and behavior. In addition, this workshop will discuss the importance that relationships have on either mitigating or exasperating trauma impact. Attendees will learn about the various attachment types, factors that impede caregivers’ ability to form secure relational bonds with their children, and strategies to cultivate resilience when working with children and families who have a trauma history.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will be able to...
- Gain a detailed understanding of what constitutes as trauma and toxic stress
- Increase knowledge of how trauma impacts the brain, body, and overall development of young children into adolescence
- Identify the factors that impact caregivers' ability to form healthy and safe relationships with their children
- Learn skills, strategies, and tools to support children and caregivers in mitigating the short- and long-term effects of trauma.
Presenter Information:
Jesse Bernal, LMFT is an Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who holds a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, a certification of specialization in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, and a certification of specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis. He has spent over 15 years working with the birth to five population, specifically focusing on infant and early childhood mental health, neural and social/emotional development, inclusion of children with diverse learning needs, staff and caregiver wellness, and mitigating the long-term effects of early childhood trauma. In addition, Jesse is an adjunct professor at Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena, CA for both the School of Cultural and Family Psychology and the School of Education, and has served as a research associate to authors in the field such as Dr. Daniel Seigel and Dr. Barbara Stroud. Jesse provides consultation and training to multiple Head Start, Early Head Start, and Early Childhood Education programs across the country and is a nationwide speaker and presenter. Jesse strives to increase the general understanding of social/emotional development and behavior through a trauma-informed lens, while always staying true to the core values of inclusion, diversity, equity, and social justice.
A Note on WAFCA Webinars:
- Webinars are live virtual learning opportunities designed to be accessed by individuals. Group participation is not encouraged; post-webinar group discussions are a recommended alternative.
- In order to offer CE credits for these virtual learning opportunities via NBCC, WAFCA verifies attendance using Zoom. Each registrant receives a unique link that confirms their attendance and email address for CE certificates. Link sharing is not permitted, and CE credits are not available for unregistered participants.
About our Offerings:
WAFCA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6778. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. WAFCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Visit the WAFCA-CE registration page for more information on fees and policies.
Wisconsin Association of Family & Children's Agencies (WAFCA) PO Box 14663, Madison, WI 53708 (608) 257-5939 www.wafca.org
Contact: [email protected]